Powering on to Neuse, Pamlico and Punga heading to the Alligators

Sometimes a shortcut ends up being the long way around. We headed out from Beaufort and decided we could make our way inland back to ICW. Upon arriving at the shallow area we bailed. A trawler stood in front of us grounded and a million sticks were positioned everywhere showing shoals. Drawing 5.5 we bailed. We didn’t want to be the next grounded trawler. So, the short way ended up being the long detour. 😕 This was not the best day for an error, as we were trying to hit a lull in the wind and hit the 2 inlets at the best time.

Papa San managed the inlet waves perfectly. We just rolled with her. Despite the near grounding start and powerful winds, we enjoyed a nice day cruising along. We like the big inlets and rivers because one can put the autopilot on!!!!

The day ended with a beautiful ancorage right before the Punga River Canal. I love the anchorage sunsets and calm waters. I continue to gain perspective as I sit in a river looking at the sun, stars, water and shores.